Our Services : Emergency Spill Kits
Midwest Environmental Services, Inc. is proud to offer EMERGENCY SPILL KITS. These kits are designed to meet any spill situation up to 20 gallons per kit.
Each kit contains the following:
1 - 20 gallon Polyethylene DOT Approved Drum
15 - Absorbent Pads (18"x18"x3/8")
4 - Absorbent Pillows
4 -4 Foot Absorbent Socks
1 - Pair Safety Glasses
2 - Pairs Chemical Resistant Gloves
1 - EPA and DOT Label Pack
Emergency spill kits may also be customized to meet your specific needs!

The Emergency Spill Kit is intended to help fulfill the requirements of your Emergency Response Plan. The kit is small enough to be easily stored in any area, but large enough to handle most ordinary spills that could occur in your facility. As with any waste material your facility generates, MIDWEST can properly dispose of the used Spill Kits.
Of course, it is best to avoid spills altogether, but in the event of an accidental spill, it is best to be prepared. For more information or to order your Emergency Spill Kits, contact a representative at Midwest Environmental Services at 1.800.388.5160.
The price per Spill Kit is $158.00 (shipping and handling included)

Midwest Environmental Services, Inc.
PO Box 218 . Brownstown, IN 47220 . 812.358.5160 /phone . 812.358.5642 /fax
info@midwestenvironmentalservices.com /email
24 HOUR EMERGENCY RESPONSE : 1.877.999.7745 |