Waste Disposal : Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
Midwest Environmental Services allows generators of non-hazardous waste the benefits of numerous disposal options and the piece of mind that their waste is handled as stringently as their hazardous waste. In conjunction with our expert transportation services, Midwest offers you reliable, cost-effective disposal of your non-hazardous wastes.
We pride ourselves in our quick response to your quotation needs! Our professional Sales and Customer Service staff will give prompt answers to your questions, and insure that your company's risk and liability will be minimized in a cost-effective manner. |
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Services Include:
Non-hazardous industrial process wastes
Contaminated soil and debris
Latex paints
Paint filters
Oil sludges and grease
Oil filters
Absorbent media and spill pads
Industrial wastewater treatment sludges
Used tires
Want to know more about the services offered by
Midwest Environmental Services?
Email us for more information, or call 800.388.5160

Midwest Environmental Services, Inc.
PO Box 218 . Brownstown, IN 47220 . 812.358.5160 /phone . 812.358.5642 /fax
info@midwestenvironmentalservices.com /email
24 HOUR EMERGENCY RESPONSE : 1.877.999.7745 |